Bull Fighting

11/03/2014 21:51

Bull fighting is traditional game of Spain.People have been playing this game for a long time in Spain.They use a very big bull.The weighs of bull has to be 600 kg or 1300 lbs and age has to be minimum four years old.Bull fighting season starts on March and finishses on October.Many people visit this time to see bull fighting in Spain.there is a big stadium for bull fighting.The man who plays with the bull is called Matador.each matador has six assistances,Two picadors(lancers),three banderilleros(flagman),a mozo de espada(sword servant).Matador wears a special suite before bull fighting.It is pretty expensive,custome made and embroidered with silver and golden thread.The main rule of this game is matador has to kill the bull within 10 to 15 minutes to win the game.